I am 48 years old,  for the first time in my life, 3 years ago I experienced a frightening mental health crisis in the form of panic attacks, nightmares and ongoing episodic fear based emotional states, developing into brain fog and fatigue this year. Between then and now I followed the advice of several medical opinions, had many tests, spent lots of time and money, to find out there was apparently nothing wrong with me physically therefore it must be all in my head.  I instinctively knew otherwise and always felt there was a physiological driver behind it all.  I tried several alternative health therapies that were also unhelpful until I came across Wellness Vision.

Jasmin formulated a picture of my whole health status by testing several body systems. Then she listened to me. Then together we drew up a plan based on my goals and current situation. Jasmin practices true holistic care backed up by solid science, and Michelle follows up with guided support.   My brain fog has lifted, there has been no returning fear, I have energy and motivation, and more recently the nightmares have started to fade.  Best of all I have regained optimism about my future.

I would absolutely recommend anyone to put themselves into the caring hands of Wellness Vision.  Thankyou Jasmin and Michelle for your commitment and care, you were my last hope and I will be forever grateful.

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